About Us
Adore Children and Family Services is a
foster care agency which offers services for children in need of substitute care.

What We Do
Adore Children and Family Services (ACFS) provides Non-Treatment, Treatment short-term (internal and external) and Transitional Foster Care foster care services in foster home settings for, dependent, neglected, adjudicated, delinquent, maladjusted children and unaccompanied non citizen children (UAC) - ages birth to 17. A young adult who turns 18 in ACFS’ care may not remain in care unless the young adult is involved in an educational program (GED, college, vocational training) and/or working, as well as continuing to reside in a ACFS approved home. UAC children may not remain in care at ACFS after turning 18.
Our Story
Adore Children & Family Services is a foster care placement agency. At Adore, We take advantage of the 50+ years of family placement experience our staff has to, intimately and professionally, meet the needs of children in our care. We assist and guide the loving families whose calling it is to open their hearts, homes and lives to children in need.
Adore Children & Family Services works vigorously to ensure the successful development of each child in our care. Our staff is knowledgeable in current on all laws, regulations, educational and behavioral trends pertaining to all aspects of foster care.