Facts and Links
Read on for valuable statistics and helpful, informative links.

Foster Care Links
Foster Care - A Detailed Explanation
Foster Care - A Parent's Perspective
“I’m naive. I will admit it. Before I became a social worker I thought every kid had a birthday party. I thought every kid had someone cheering them on in the bleachers. I thought every kid was taken care of when he or she was sick. I thought every kid was read to at night before bedtime. I thought every kid lived in a safe environment. Now? Now I know that thousands of kids live in fear. Thousands of kids struggle with low self-esteem. Thousands of kids are abused. Thousands of kids witness domestic violence. Thousands of kids are in need of a family. Who will care for the orphans?”
(From http://debmillswriter.com/?tag=therapeutic-foster-care)
The Current State of Foster Care in the United States
The latest statistics from the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) data for FY 2014
415,129 children were in foster care on September 30th, 2014, a 4% increase from 2012
264,746 children entered care - that translates to a child entering care every two minutes in the United States
238,230 children existed foster care
107,918 children waiting to be adopted on September 30th, 2014
60,898 children waiting to be adopted whose parental rights (for all living parents) were terminated
50,644 children adopted with public child welfare agency involvement

If you are entertaining the thought of becoming a foster parent, we encourage you to call ADORE. We receive new referrals for placement almost every single day. We would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. Thank you for taking the time to consider our agency and the children we serve.